Wednesday, August 27, 2008


ZOMG guys! i just found this awesome on post nopquarterusa:

"One reason why HRC wore Burnt Orange last night. It was to signal to her millions of supporters that she has to do this endorsement of Obama to ensure she has a chance at 2012. SHe is being held hostage by the DNC. they all deserted her but she is so much smarter than them.

Her first words I am proud to Mother, Democrat, Senator, American. WHen she said AMerican I recalled Michelle Obama words “for the first tim ein my adult life, I am proud of my country.” HRC wanted us to remember those words and never forget who the real patriots are.

SHe kept saying “Keep Going”. Of all the anecdotes she could have told she told that one. We are not quitters and we will not quit on her now. She did her part and it’s up to us to make sure the Dim wit Obama never get in the White HOuse with his radical, far left thugs. When I heard her retold that story about Keep Going even if the Dogs are in the distance. I knew the DOgs were the Men of the DNC who were so quick to leave her side for the young, articulate fresh face. . lol

She sent me several clear messages in her coded smart way.

1. SHe did not admit Barack Obama could be CIC.

2. SHe used John Mccain favorite phrase and not Obama one. AT the very beginning she said “my Friends” NOT “Fired up ready to go.”

3. She used our favorite Nobama slogan to make it sound as if she meant McCain. Remember her saying Noway, No How, No Mccain?

4. She did everything to help Obama. Now it’s my turn to make sure she gets elected in 2012.

The music Hillary chose for one of her video picks said all I need to know about Obama. There was a very clear sublimimal message in her hendrix music.
If Barack Obama loses, he has only himself to blame. it is now in his hands and up to him to woe voters. Hillary has done what no other runner up has done in previous campaigns.

Also James Carville with PUMA shoes on today said it Clearly. I will vote with my feet!!!

Now I will make sure this incompetent never gets in the WHite House!!!!!!"

do you know what this mean guys? she's listening to us! she's sending us a message. they told me i was crazy, but it's true! fuck you Dr. Andrew Castle! i was right! she does speak to me!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Hillary Clinton supporters care about the issues and want to drive out the Republicans from control of our lives. The problem for Obama is that I care about the issues and Hillary Clinton supporters also want to win. COUNTRY BEFORE PARTY! My grandmother fought her whole life for issues like healthcare and a woman's right to choose. It's time to defend those Democratic rights by voting for John Mccain.

Hillary emails every day with pleas to “unite” and support the unqualifed Obama.

The emails I receive every hour on the hour beg me to consider that Obama and Hillary allegedly share the same policy goals. Some emails implore us on to support Obama because they have children who could be sent to war under Republican John McCain. Some emails implore us to support Obama because of abortion rights and Supreme Court appointments.

The problem with all these emails are that they do not accept what we know to be true: Obama is not qualifed to be president. Obama is a divider.

Spare us your emails, I Will NEVER TRUST OBAMA. Obama cannot be trusted by either “friend” or foe. I do not believe anything Obama says. I will not be “red flagged” into supporting an unqualified candidate that wins states. what's worse is he disenfranchised the voters of Florida and Michigan. so what if he was not on the ballot HILLARY WON. I will not be silenced Pelosi! Hillary puts her country first! Hillary had the courage to risk her life for peace by by dodging sniping fire in Bosnia, but the misogynist media crucified her. they even went as far as doctoring footage to make Hillary look bad. THOSE FLOWERS WERE BOMBS! this is not a joke. my neighbor's friend's cousin's barber has see the tape. the gop is planning to use it in. October. the DNC will regret nominating this empty suit, and Hillary will rise to heaven! this will happen! i saw it in one of my visions. I am not insane damnit! they let me out! I have the papers to prove it!